Tuesday, 8 July 2014

More Dead Children in Palestine

by craig murray

We do not know who kidnapped and murdered the three children in Palestine.
These murders are terrible and need to be investigated. You cannot investigate a
murder with bombs and tanks. Tony Blair’s immediate bandwagon-jumping and rush to
 blame Hamas is typical of a man who has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands
through his urge to fix the facts around the policy.
Six Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces in the past three weeks.
 That did not get lead headlines in the mainstream media. I should note in fairness
 that the BBC World News at 9.00 am this morning did mention it, but on standard 
form that will quickly get censored out of future bulletins.
I don’t recall Tony Blair rushing out press releases as a result if the deaths of those Palestinian children. How exactly does Blair believe his ghoulish publicity seeking
 on the back of this terrible tragedy is helping anything, except perhaps his
 long term money-making potential?
I doubt that Hamas killed the children. It would make no sense given its strategy 
of joining a unified Palestinian leadership and entering the diplomatic dialogue. 
It must be possible that the children were murdered by a Palestinian individual or group
outraged by the recent killings of Palestinian children. It also must be possible that they
 were killed by an Israeli individual or group eager to undermine the Palestinian unity
 process and promote the settlement agenda.
All deaths are tragic, and the deaths of younger people always feel more tragic still.
Parents are mourning in Israel and Palestine. The answer is not to create more
mourning parents and shattered children. All violence in Palestine must be condemned unequivocally.



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