Monday, 12 May 2014

Have yachts vs have nots? Get your MP to wade into the debate...

Have yachts vs have nots? Get your MP to wade into the debate...

Posted by Abby Mason Communications Planning and Data Manager, Rachel George Digital Campaigns Manager
The gap between rich and poor is getting wider. It might be a sobering thought, but are you shocked? Unfortunately, probably not. You might be when I tell you how wide the gap actually is, though.
The latest statistics show that the richest 85 people in the world now own the same wealth as the entire poorest half of the world's population. You could fit those 85 people on a super yacht. Or even a double decker bus. But it's not just about money.
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It's about the fact that this tiny number of people control and exploit so many of the world's resources, not to mention their disproportionate influence on the economic and political decisions that affect ordinary people's lives.As the 'have yachts' gain power, billions of 'have nots' are going without food, education and medical help. 
The rich are contributing more than their fair share in one area, though: climate change. And this extends to nations, not just individuals on the Forbes list. The richest countries are responsible for 70% of historic global carbon emissions, and they're still leading the way today. That's one huge footprint. Sadly, the reality of climate change is that it hits the world's poorest communities hardest, leading to meagre harvests and food shortages for already vulnerable people. 
There's never been a more important time to act than right now - but we need to work together to build a fairer, more equal world. 2015 - like any general election year - is going to be a big deal. We're starting to see the build up already, with manifestos being drafted and promises being made. That's why it's vital that your MP knows they need to challenge inequality, and work hard on solutions to climate change, at home and abroad. 
You've proved time and time again that people power gets results. Very soon, politicians will need your votes - and that means they will listen to what you have to say today. It's essential your MP knows how much these issues matter to you, and the world.


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