Thursday, 27 March 2014

Obama highlights Putin threat to EU

The West's  Right 2 Plunder  the world is what Putin has  menaced, The 'freedom' with which the West was pushing the plundering  is what Putin has  challenged and slowed down. 

Obama highlights Putin threat to EU during keynote speech in Brussels

US president will use visit to brand Russian leader as a menace to international system built up by Europe and US
 in Brussels
Barack Obama has charged Vladimir Putin with being a menace to an international system built up over decades following the Russian leader's sudden appropriation of part of Ukraine.
In his sole big policy speech of a four-day trip to Europe, Obama, on his first presidential visit to Brussels, the capital of the European Union andNato's headquarters, sought to stiffen European spines against Russia and pledge US security guarantees for east European allies on Russia's borders who are alarmed at the Kremlin's expansionist aims.
"We must never forget that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom," Obama said, adding that the Ukraine crisis has neither easy answers nor a military solution. "But at this moment, we must meet the challenge to our ideals, to our very international order, with strength and conviction


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