Don't Spy On Us: it's time to hold politicians to account
Don't Spy On Us: it's time to hold politicians to account for mass surveillance
UK digital rights organisations have teamed up to launch Don't Spy On Us, a protest against mass surveillance perpetrated by the NSA and GCHQ and a call for a public inquiry on the topic. It coincides with a similar initiative in the US titled The Day We Fight Back, which takes place today, 11 February 2014.
Don't Spy On Us is a coalition of organisations that focus on defending privacy, freedom of expression and digital rights in Europe. These include: Open Rights Group, English Pen, Liberty, Privacy International, Big Brother Watch and Article 19.
"We've come together to fight back against the system of unfettered mass state surveillance that Edward Snowden exposed. Right now, the UK's intelligence services are conducting mass surveillance that violates the right to privacy of internet users and chills freedom of expression," reads the site.
"Don't Spy On Us is calling for an inquiry to investigate the extent to which the law has failed and suggest new legislation that will make the spooks accountable to our elected representatives, put an end to mass surveillance in line with our six principles and let judges not the Home Secretary decide when spying is justified."
The coalition wants an inquiry to investigate the extent to which the law has failed and to suggest new legislation that will make GCHQ accountable to elected representatives. It argues that mass surveillance violates the European Convention on Human Rights, particularly articles 8 (the right to respect for private and family life) and 10 (the right to freedom of expression). Further, mass surveillance is increasing, with the UK trying to expand its capabilities through the Communications Data Bill.
Don't Spy On Us has outlined six principles that are important for UK citizens to support: no surveillance without suspicion; transparent laws, not secret laws; judicial not political authorisation (politicians currently grant warrants for surveillance, not judges); effective democratic oversight; the right to redress and a secure web for all. These have been selected as the most relevant from the 13 international principles outlined by Necessary and Proportionate.
Jim Killock, the executive director of Open Rights Group, told that there is a lot of confusion and uncertainty about mass surveillance, but that people don't necessarily know what to do about it.
"The biggest problem is that politicians have wanted to put their head in the sand about this," Killock explained, pointing out the significance of Ed Miliband calling today for a US-style debate over Britain's intelligence agencies. "The Labour party has said very little to nothing about this until now." It's not just the Labour Party that has been quiet about the issue, but the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats as well. "When all three parties have a strong interest in keeping quiet, it's hard to have a public debate," Killock told us.
"This has made it hard for the public to know what they should be talking about. What questions need answering? By having a clear call for reform we hope to create this opportunity for debate," Killock adds. It's critical that we have a public discussion about what powers these intelligence agencies should have, he explained.
In Killock's view, the key thing to remember is that people shouldn't simply think about whether they might personally be investigated by MI5, but whether MI5 should have the power to investigate anyone they like at any time in such detail. The fact that they can do that could lead to threats against whistleblowers and the ability of the secret service to use targeted blackmail. "Should they have that power in the first place? If so, what should it look like?" Killock asks.
Joining the fight against mass surveillance is the Pirate Party, also calling on British people to put pressure on politicians to hold GCHQ to account.
Pirate Party UK Leader Loz Kaye said: "We're often told that the British public at large doesn't really care about the issue of mass surveillance. But the Westminster crowd should not mistake their own inability or unwillingness to act for a wider apathy."
Kaye added that GCHQ has got "dangerously out of control" and that the momentum behind this day "must not end here or after a few clicks".
"The Day We Fight Back has to become the day we start fighting back. That is what will cause real change," he said.
Killock adds: "The biggest hurdle is convincing people that change is possible. We can have an open debate. The politicians will be prepared to listen. That's why we are trying to create a mass movement. You can change things."
posted by Satish Sharma at 05:41
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