Wednesday, 8 January 2014

50 Senators Now Cosponsor Iran Sanctions Bill

Israeli lobby pressure at work ?

50 Senators Now Cosponsor Iran Sanctions Bill

Veto Pledge Remains, But Senate Hawks May Override

by Jason Ditz,
Fully half of the US Senate has now signed on as co-sponsors of the “Nuclear Weapons Free Iran Act of 2013,” a bill that aims to violate the P5+1 interim deal by imposing new sanctions on Iran, effectively ending chances for a diplomatic rapprochement.
The bill, first introduced by Senate hawks before Christmas, not only aims to impose sanctions but also expresses US support for any Israeli military attack on Iran at any time in the future.
President Obama hasthreatened to veto the bill, saying he wants to keep diplomacy going for the time being, and the White House says the veto plan remains in effect.
With 50 sponsors though, the Senate hawks seem to be moving close to a veto-proof majority in the Senate, meaning they could sabotage the P5+1 talks even without the president’s permission.


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