Thursday, 3 October 2013

Glenn Greenwald and Janine Gibson: 10 highlights from their Reddit AMA

Glenn Greenwald and Janine Gibson: 10 highlights from their Reddit AMA

Guardian US columnist Glenn Greenwald and editor-in-chief Janine Gibson spoke to Redditors about the NSA files, Edward Snowden, and the surveillance state. The full transcript is here
 and Reddit readers
Guardian US editor-in-chief Janine Gibson and columnist Glenn Greenwald went on Reddit on Tuesday to discuss the NSA files in the site's Ask Me Anything section – although, technically, it was an 'Ask Us Anything'. It drew over 500 questions during the 90-minute chat. 
Here are highlights from the discussion – the full transcript is here:

idvckalt: Glenn, what would you say is the single most shocking revelation that Snowden has leaked. Why?

The general revelation that the objective of the NSA is literally the elimination of global privacy: ensuring that every form of human electronic communication - not just those of The Terrorists™ - is collected, stored, analyzed and monitored.
The NSA has so radically misled everyone for so long about its true purpose that revealing its actual institutional function was shocking to many, many people, and is the key context for understanding these other specific revelations.

The_eye_in_the_skyI have to ask why the leaks are piece-fed to the public? Why can't it be one big release? Thanks in advance.

Many reasons:
1) It's irresponsible to dump documents without first understanding them and the consequences of publication.
2) It's 100% contrary to the agreement we made with our source when he came to us and talked about how he wanted us to report on them (if he wanted them all dumped, he wouldn't have needed us: he could have done it himself).
3) It would be impossible for the public to process a huge, indiscriminate dump, and media outlets would not care enough to read through them and report them because they'd have no vested interest in doing so (that's what WikiLeaks learned long ago, which is why they began partnering with media outlets on an exclusive basis for its releases).
4) The debate that we should be having would get overwhelmed by accusations that we were being irresponsible and helping the Terrorists; in other words, it would be strategically dumb to do.
5) There are already lots of risks for people reporting on these documents; there would be seriously heightened risks for anyone involved if they were just indiscriminately dumped.

tatertits7: Is it too late to roll back the surveillance state?

I think this is the question we've all been asking. It's at the heart of this story. And we fundamentally think it's a debate best had in the open. It's going to come down to what citizens, users and voters think about how much they're prepared to give up in order to feel secure. It's not an easy question.
We had an event recently in NYC and the former general counsel for the NSA said this is a debate that has to be had once a generation – that each generation needs to feel it has given consent. I think that's an interesting point. It certainly feels like there are a couple of generations who have been taken aback by the sheer size and scale of surveillance.
JimmyOConnell replies:
Unfortunately, I suspect that like a lot of things, money is at the root of this question. The NSA's ecosystem is so gigantic that it has created its own little economy, into which the government has poured hundreds of billions. For example, what hope can there be of shutting down the Utah Data Center when it cost something in the region of $60bn to create?
One only has to look at the police opposing the recent decision to relax some drug laws, not on any moral grounds but because so many of heir jobs depend on the war on drugs. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I can genuinely see economic arguments trumping moral ones – "We can't defund the NSA, the unemployment crisis is bad enough as it is" or "So you're going to spend billions building a data center and then not use it?"
Very disheartening to think about, but soldier on we must and hope for the best.

grayghosted: Do you see the Democratic party as hopelessly corrupt in terms of orchestrating progressive change? If so, what can we to do roll back abuses of surveillance state and take back system from the rich?

I never see any political questions as hopeless or unchangeable, but consider this:
When I first began writing in 2005, I was focused primarily on the Bush NSA program, and I was able to build a large readership quickly because so many Democrats, progressives, liberal bloggers, etc, were so supportive of the work I was doing. That continued to be true through 2008.
Now, a mere four later, Democrats have become the most vehement defenders of the NSA and the most vicious attackers of my work on the NSA – often, some of the very same people cheering so loudly in 2006 and 2007 are the ones protesting most loudly and viciously now.
Gee, I wonder what changed? In the answer lies all you need to know about the Democratic party.

HoustonEuler: If Snowden is an American whistleblower, shouldn't you only release documents that serve the interest of the American public?

For example, it very well might be in the American interest to spy on the Brazilian government, and that's well within NSA's legal mandate. How do you justify releasing those documents?
Snowden answered this in the online interview with him. He doesn't believe that the only privacy rights that matter are those of Americans. He's an American, but not a jingoist, and he's also other things besides an "American", including a human being. That privacy is being destroyed globally matters, both to him and journalistically.
Moreover, even if you do jingoistically care only about Americans: the internet is a global means of communication. There is no viable way to segregate the communications of Americans from foreigners. If you allow the NSA to run rampant over the internet and turn it into a means of control, monitoring and oppression, it will affect everyone.

VervexDo you feel that the protections that journalists count on are disappearing? Is journalism as a whole in danger? Can we in the US trust our major publications for the true story or is there to much manipulation? Is Rupert Murdoch the antichrist?

This is a critical time for journalistic freedom, and there are two major shifts which are threatening important work. One is the attempt to categorise "who is a journalist", which we are in danger, as an industry, of enabling. I feel profoundly uncomfortable about any line drawn around pay, employer, hours or volume of work that will define a "real" journalist. And then only the "real" journalists will be protected.
I don't think that's how the world works any more, so that's problematic.
The second is the attempt to define journalism as outside the national interest, and the Guardian has felt the impact of that in the UK, when the government demanded we destroy some of the material we were working on. That's much less problematic here in the US where we enjoy the protection of the first amendment. Let's hope we can all continue to use that protection to do good reporting.
Is Rupert Murdoch the antichrist? Is there only one?
TrundleGrundleTroll replies: 
Well played.

CunthSlayer: Recently, the "NSA sharing raw intelligence about US Citizens to Israel" leak pointed out that not only does the NSA have programs that collect data on elected officials and supreme court justices, but they also hand that data (along with other data on US citizens) over to Israel in trust that they will dispose of it. The NSA likely has files on every person in the position of power to stop their surveillance/economic espionage operation. Do you agree with this statement, and if that is the case how do you think America can take steps towards limiting the power and abuses of the NSA? Thank you … for everything.

That document did not state definitively that the NSA provided the communications of members of Congress and judges to Israel, though it did reference such communication. Other reports, as we indicated (including from the New York Times in 2009), have previously reported on efforts to wiretap even members of Congress.
A major reason why those in power always try to use surveillance is because surveillance = power. The more you know about someone, the more you can control and manipulate them in all sorts of ways. That is one reason a surveillance state is so menacing to basic political liberties.
But there are all sorts of examples, including from recent history, demonstrating that even the most seemingly insurmountable institutions can be weakened or uprooted when they become abusive enough. The tide is clearly turning against the US national security state in general and the NSA in particular in terms of their ability to dictate terms and control the debate, and they know it.
What will ultimately determine the outcome here is how much pressure citizens continue to apply in defense of their privacy rights and against massive, ubiquitous, secret spying systems aimed at them.

dschuma: Often times, it seems like stories in the Guardian are shadow-boxing with the Obama administration. They say X, you respond with Y, that shows where X is an untruth. They respond with Z, and on it goes. Do you have that feeling as well? To what extent does the timing of when you plan on running a story affected by the news cycle? Do you still give the administration an opportunity to comment on stories before they are published – and have you withheld details to protect operational security at their request?

Interesting that it seems like that to you. It can feel a lot like that. We have a process that we run with every story where we approach the administration, tell them what we're doing and identify any documents that we might quote from or publish. We invite them to share any specific national security concerns that would result from those disclosures.
What happens next varies. Sometimes they respond with redaction requests (and sometimes we agree and sometimes not). Sometimes just a statement. Sometimes we ask questions. Sometimes they answer. Much of the time, we've already made some decisions ourselves on redactions of obviously sensitive operational detail or people's names etc.
As we've gone on, working this story has become closer to journalistic standard practice (or at least, how we practice it).
In terms of the news cycle – obviously we try and make sure each story has as much impact as possible, but we tend to publish when we've found a story, worked it up to our satisfaction, determined that it's in the public interest and it's ready. I've read some spectacular theories about how we're deciding to publish and when. They're all bollocks.

courage_my_friends: What is your response to those who look at these revelations and say, "So what? I follow the law. Why should I be afraid?"

It's a perfectly reasonable point of view. As journalists, we're OK with providing you with enough information that you can make an informed decision.
What I do find baffling is the "so what, we knew this already" response. It's inexplicable, given the number of administration voices all welcoming the debate and acknowledging it would not have happened without Edward Snowden. Have the debate.

Jamess24dean: Hello Janine, Could you share with us any moment where you were scared or apprehensive about the administration's response? Thanks for all the hard work the team is doing. James

Thanks for kind words. In fact, thanks to everyone who's taken the time to say thanks. We do really appreciate it.
There was a quite frankly terrifying conversation on our first story. My deputy, Stuart Millar – who has line edited every single story – and I were sitting in a tiny office on a phone that didn't even have a proper speaker, talking to a vast array of administration officials, none of whom were particularly happy about our proposed story. I don't remember being scared but it was definitely a robust conversation.
For us, there were really only two questions: is the story right, and is it in the public interest? For a lot of news organisations I think those aren't the questions, and this was one of those moments when you do really appreciate the Guardian, our trust ownership and our editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger, who you know will back you.
But all of these stories deserve a bit of respect. We should feel apprehensive about all of them. You need to put a lot of thought and effort in to publishing this kind of material.


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