Art is anybody's, by anybody, for anybody. ???
Did the son taking pictures of his mother having sex – in the name of art – go too far? – Skirting the Issue
Two very different photo exhibitions this week have shown women in ways the world is not used to seeing: a mother having sex with younger men and the real, grimy side of motherhood. Louisa Peacock explores
What is art? Before you answer, cast your mind back to that brilliant documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, now three years old and consider, really consider, that anything can be art. Anything. That is, if you believe it can. And if you label it that way. And if you persist on labelling it that way.
That doesn't make it correct or incorrect. Art historians could argue differently. People who spend tens of thousands of pounds collecting antique art would probably beg to differ, too. But with the right marketing, hype and self-belief, 'art' is yours for the taking. Art is anybody's, by anybody, for anybody.
And with that: WARNING! Some of the images in this piece, as you scroll down, get particularly ... shall we say ... graphic.
A slot on Radio 4 Today's programme this week reminded us that originally in the West, art (paintings, mainly) came purely from religion: from depicting religious icons and now infamous scenes around Virgin Mother and Child. As society's values have changed, so the art we now enjoy is not always (in fact rarely) linked to religion like the paintings of yesteryear. Art can mean anything. It can mean different things to different people. If it's about memories, or enjoying a particular feeling/ capturing a certain mood, the opportunities for art are endless.
What do we make then of two works of 'art' that have hit the news this week? One, the male photographer who turned his camera on his own mother having sex with younger men. Don't puke – it's art. The result: explicit images of her and her sexual endeavours for the whole world to, well, devour. Seriously WTF? Oh no, wait, wait, it's art.
The other work of art in the headlines this week: the mother who has shown us what 'real life motherhood' is like by taking loads of photos of herself being a mother, with her children. They show graphic, sometimes distressing images of what it's like to be a mum.
In one of Elinor Carucci’s photographs in her new book, Mother, she is nude, breast-feeding her newborn twins. (That's coming up later.)
It's harder for me to take the first lot (the boy photographing his mother's sexual advances) seriously. I cringe when I see his photos. But why? He (Leigh Ledare) is technically capable, some of the images are pretty good, he's a photographer just like any other photographer. And if art can be by anybody, for anybody, then who am I to judge?
Extracts from his collection of shots are being shown at the Photographers' Gallery in London, so that further blurs the boundaries: if it's in an exhibition, it must be art, mustn't it? Hmm, probably the reason I'm more uncomfortable with his 'art' is because Mr Ledare wouldn't deny that he gets turned on when photographing his mother in the nude. This is in the back of my mind when I see the shots. Controversy. Intrigue. Mystery. Urgh. The art has become muddled with the story and that confuses the whole thing and how I should interpret it. And whether it is, indeed, 'art'.
Nevertheless, people all over the world will react differently to both collections of 'art' which depict women at different stages in their lives:motherhood as you've never seen it, and post-motherhood as you've never seen it. Both serve a documentary 'record of history' purpose, if nothing else, but both will have different ramifications.
The first week, 2004 Picture: ELINOR CARUCCI/INSTITUTE
As the rise of Instagram and the like continues – where people can turn even the most mundane objects into cool, retro style images which 'say something' about them and the society they live in, the boundaries of 'art' are continuing to evolve all the time.
So again, what is art? It's obviously subjective. But the rise of popular art doesn't mean the death of the profession, of people who 'do art' for a living. Far from it, it's spawning a whole new field of professional and non-professional artists who want to show us their way of seeing the world.
What this does open up is a whole new wave of creative possibilities that weren't always there before, let alone possible technically. And if these new possibilities allow us to see women (and men) in a range of different lights, or in ways we hadn't thought of before, then that's got to be a good thing. Hasn't it?
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