" I can't wait to write a defece of the drone strike that takes out Julian Assange" - "TIMES"
Yearning for Assassination of Julian Assange Puts "Journalist" Under Fire
Time magazine senior correspondent says he "can't wait" to defend US government if it takes out Wikileaks founder
You can delete the tweet, just not always the message.
Michael Grunwald, Time magazine's senior national correspondent, has come under enormous fire this weekend for declaring his support for the extrajudicial murder of Wikileaks' publisher and embattled journalist Julian Assange.
In what is perhaps the most singular and noxious example yet of how establishment media figures express their contempt for those journalists who have chosen to challenge government and corporate power as oppose to coddling that authority, Grunwald tweeted:
Though Grunwald deleted the original tweet—after someone pointed out, according to theHuffington Post, how it would "only encourage Assange supporters"—it was too late to stem the fallout.
An archived version of the original tweet and the responses and retweets it generated are available here.
and the tweet times are at :
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