Sunday, 23 June 2013

US is hacking China.

Uncounted American Armed Forces bases,  Lilly Pads and Top Secret Listening Posts dot the World. They are there to control it. The are the evil cogs of far reaching Fascist Control

How much longer , one wonders, can these cogs be allowed to crush the very freedoms they are supposed to be 'protecting' ?

Snowden spy row grows as US is accused of hacking China

Whistleblower charged with espionage reportedly claims US authorities accessed millions of private text messages in China
 and The Observer
Edward Snowden on a banner in Hong Kong
Edward Snowden, the former CIA technician, on a banner in Hong Kong. Photograph: Philippe Lopez/AFP
Edward Snowden, the former CIA technician who blew the whistle on global surveillance operations, has opened a new front against the US authorities, claiming they hacked into Chinese mobile phone companies to access millions of private text messages.
Shami Chakrabarti, the director of Liberty, said: "It's possible to be shocked but not surprised at this blanket surveillance on a breathtaking scale. The authorities appear to be kidding themselves with a very generous interpretation of the law that cannot stand with article 8 of the European convention on human rights.
"To argue this isn't snooping because they haven't got time to read all this private information is like arguing we'd all be comfortable with our homes being raided and our private papers copied – as long as the authorities stored them in sealed plastic bags."
Carl Miller, director for social media at the thinktank Demos, said: "Just like the rest of us, terrorists and criminals are increasingly using social media and other forms of online communication. So it's clear that the intelligence services should be able to access this where it is necessary and proportionate. But this is the crucial point. What these latest stories reveal is that much of this surveillance is happening already, but without the security services having made the public argument for these powers. There is a clear need for a legal grounding or oversight structure that commands public confidence."

EXCLUSIVE: Snowden reveals more US cyberspying details

Text messages mined, while servers at Tsinghua University attacked
Sunday, 23 June, 2013 [UPDATED: 5:25AM]


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