weaponising meditation - the Marines' way to war guilt suppression
"Push ups for the brain," a simple stress buster or is mediation separated, from its eastern religious roots, just a way to suppress the guilt that comes from having to fight illegal wars ? Or is this a way make them forget the war crimes they are committing by teaching them to 'live in the Moment' ? Or is this just a low cost way of reducing the number of soldiers sucides that are taking a toll on the American army ?
U.S. Marine Corps members learn mindfulness meditation and yoga in pilot program to help reduce stress
A pilot program in Camp Pendleton, Calif., is experimenting with Buddhist practices such as mindfulness meditation to help troops deal with stressful situations they face on the job. "It's like doing pushups for the brain," one general says.
U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Carlos Lazano talks about a special training he underwent in which Marines were taught methods to "quiet the mind" and to reach an inner calm as a means to battle stress. Marine Corps officials say they will build a curriculum that would integrate mindfulness-based techniques into their training if they see positive results from a pilot project.
Marine Corps officials are testing a series of brain calming exercises called "Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training" that they believe could enhance the performance of troops, who are under mounting pressures from long deployments and looming budget cuts expected to slim down forces.
"Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training" or "M-Fit" was designed by former U.S. Army Capt. Elizabeth Stanley, a professor at Georgetown University who found relief doing yoga and meditation for her PTSD.
Stanley, who is also involved in studies for the Army, said the techniques can help warfighters think more clearly under fire when they are often forced to make quick decisions that could mean life or death, and help them reset their nervous systems after being in combat.
Maj. Gen. Melvin Spiese said he was convinced after looking at the scientific research and then taking the course.
While teaching troops to shoot makes them a better warfighter, teaching mindfulness makes them a better person by helping them to decompress, which could have lasting effects, he said.
"As we see the data supports it, it makes perfect sense that this is what we should be doing," said the 58-year-old outgoing general, sitting in his office adorned with pictures of war and a 1903 rifle. "It's like doing pushups for the brain."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/u-s-marines-learn-meditate-stress-reduction-program-article-1.1245698#ixzz2Prc6032m
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