Saturday, 9 February 2013

"forgive us our trespasses as we trespass against those we think might one day trespass against us.

The freedom to  fight wars at a price that the American citizens will not object to is a frightening  denial of freedom for the rest of the world.  Because it keeps the body count of American dead low, it gives the American  elite a free ticket to assassinate anyone who challenges them or dares to  stands in their way .

The fact that MAMS,  Military Age Males, are not even counted in the "Collateral Damage"  Kills is   more than just keeping the numbers of Innocents killed, low.  It is, literally a targeting of Mankind.

And now, does the fact that American women can serve in frontline combat roles, mean that Other women will soon be excluded from the Innocents Killed lists as potential enemy combatants?  There has already been an attempt to legalise the killing of children in Afghanistan by accusing them of being "carriers".

Now, I know that the media’s been trumpeting that drone bombings enjoy widespread support. But so does Honey Boo Boo, and that doesn’t make it right.
Of course, drone warfare is preferable to putting U.S. troops in harm’s way. And it’s the future of warfare, whether we like it or not. Personally, I think anybody who wants to send machines into battle for us needs to watch the first three “Terminator” films.
But I was surprised that no one asked Mr. Brennan about how drone bombs don’t just kill America haters — they create new ones.
I was surprised no one asked him why all adult males are considered combatants and that’s how they keep the civilian death casualties numbers so low.
I was surprised no one asked him about the CIA’s new definition of the word “imminent” for all those imminent threats. Turns out, all they have to do is think you might be a threat one day. Nothing like a little pre-emptive Bush/Cheney nostalgia — forgive us our trespasses as we trespass against those we think might one day trespass against us.


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