Monday, 26 November 2012

recolonising the rest.

Want more proof of the  West's aim to recolonise  the Rest ???

It is not just France that wants to do regain control of its old colonies. The Western colonial masters, as a whole, sees colonial control of  the Rest  as the only way to  revive their collapsing economies. Just selling arms for wars the west has a major role in promoting,  will not be enough . Actual physical control through a new comprador class of collaborators is the  only way to  control  the  resources the  rest of the world still has. The resources that  created a wealthy West in the first place.

However, France continues to entertain its dreams of re-colonising Syria. At the UN, François Hollande had requested that the Security Council give him a mandate to administrate "the zones liberated by the rebels", on the model of the mandate awarded to France by the League of Nations for the whole of Syria, between 1923 and 1944. According to this same logic, France and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf recognised the Syrian National Coalition as "the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people" accredited to "set up a provisional government". Moreover, Paris asked the European Union - which recently received the Nobel Prize for Peace - to lift their arms embargo in order to supply the "liberated zones".
It seems that the French officials, swept along by their dreams, have not realised the gravity of their proposals if they were to be put into effect. They propose no more or less than challenging the sovereignty of Nation States, a principle which has been the foundation of international law since the Peace of Westphalia Treaties of 1648, and which became universal in 1945 with the United Nations charter and the decolonisation which resulted.

Whether or not we approve of Bashar al-Assad, it must be recognised that he currently governs the whole of Syria with the support of the majority of the Syrian people. But France chooses to ignore this reality and wishes to define, arbitrarily, who should constitute the Syrian government. On this basis, France wants to assume the right to administrate and arm the "liberated zones", over which flies the three-starred flag that she had once imposed on the country. This procedure was accepted before 1945 in order to justify certain forms of colonisation, but was recused in those regions of the world where the principle of Nation-State sovereignty was applied.

 In 1970, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted Resolution 2625, which defined the principles of International Law set out in its Charter. This text proclaims - "Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of inch acts, when the acts referred to in the present paragraph involve a threat or use of force." As President of the French Republic, François Hollande must guarantee the respect of these principles.


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