Saturday 15 November 2014

Rare and Beautiful Portraits of Young Frida Kahlo by Her Father Guillermo Kahlo

Frida Kahlo (1907 – 1954) was a Mexican painter who is best known for her self-portraits. Kahlo's work is remembered for its "pain and passion", and its intense, vibrant colors. Her work has been celebrated in Mexico as emblematic of national and indigenous tradition, and by feminists for its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form.

Below is a collection of rare and beautiful portraits of young Frida Kahlo, taken by her father Guillermo Kahlo from the 1910s to early 1930s.

Frida Kahlo at age 2, c.1909

Frida Kahlo at age 4, 1911

Frida Kahlo at age 5, 1912

Frida Kahlo at age 6, 1913

Frida (far right) age 12, with sister Cristina (L) and best friend, Isabel Campos (C), 1919

Frida Kahlo in drag, with sisters Adriana and Christina and cousins Carmen and Carlos Verasa, 1926

Frida at 18 years old, 1926


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