Monday 17 September 2012

the 'other' speaks back - updated

She was someone  whose voice I   followed  during the  Iraq war.   Here she is back again . still  as evocative as ever.

So was it really about a film ? or was it about some subconscious message that everyone registered, or was it about US empire and its symbols ? It was all three and more...

In order to occupy a region from Afghanistan to Iraq, you need to vilify and demonize...the film is NOT a separate incident from the general American foreign policy but a continuation of it. 

Surely you can't convince me that the hundreds of protesters were all salafis, jihadists, surely you can't convince me that all were angry about just a film ?!

But I will not stop here...because as I said before there are many levels to the story...the other levels being-- the hyper sexualization of the Other, the perception of violence (when committed by the Other), the stubborn resistance of notions/concepts  of "Sacredness & Sacrality" versus "West & Modernity" and last but not least a redefinition of meanings and concepts like "Democracy, Free speech" in the age of the American Empire.
PS: To note in European countries, you  can get arrested for "anti-Semitism" but not for anti Islam. Are we the "niggers" of the New World Order ?

And representation of the Other requires, necessitates imagery...images...and imagination.

And since it started off with a film (an image), it is only fair that this film continues in its different episodes...

Abu you remember Abu Ghraib ?

I do. Abu Ghraib is there always in the back of my is associated with Free Speech and Democracy, with Human Rights and Liberty.

A penis driven religion...a penis driven people....hooded, made to masturbate, sodomize one another, for snapshots taken by the Western man...for "laughs". 

Another image  - Guantanamo, where the animal beast savage is chained...shackled in iron, in metal cages, behind metal bars...while innocent.

Images zoom through my mind...

Images stored in the collective, a history of images...images...just like that cheap film made in California...
Dehumanizing and cheap....

Dehumanizing and that what Western Freedom is all about..?!


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