Saturday 22 September 2012

art speaks to ask questions

 Between producing visually beautiful  " Art" to sell and designing   the  marketable object there is litlle difference.. There is a big difference , though between the professional Designer and the Artist who questions they why and the how. Difference that needs to be understood in our increasingly  'object' oriented world. Design innovation  and the idea of avant garde are two different things. 
The innovation now needs to occur elsewhere. Outside the design. Into, quite frankly, the world of art.
Mating our left-brained technical wizardry with our right-brained humanizing intuitions is key to innovation, but don’t make the mistake of confusing “design” with “art.” I’d argue that there’s a difference, and it matters. Designers create solutions – the products and services that propel us forward. But artists create questions — the deep probing of purpose and meaning that sometimes takes us backward and sideways to reveal which way “forward” actually is. The questions that artists make are often enigmatic, answering a why with another why. Because of this, understanding art is difficult: I like to say that if you’re having difficulty “getting” art, then it’s doing its job.
Art speaks to us as humans, not as “human capital.” Art shows us that human beings still matter in a world where money talks the loudest, where computers know everything about us, and where robots fabricate our next meal and also our ride there. Artists ask the questions that others are afraid to ask and that money cannot answer.


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